Thursday, September 13, 2012


                Every child has there own capabilities and skills but there is a very special blesssing God gave to his sons and daughters and this is called TALENTS. These talents are our precious golds that nobody can steal from us.
               These special TALENTS is given by our Father in Heaven wherein we need to take care of it. How? Simply when someone gave you a gift, you need to take good care of it, same with our talents. Just like me, my talent is singing and somewhat in drawing. I remember when I am in High-school, me and my classmates are very noisy in our classroom. Do you know what are we doing or what are the noise all about.. It's because we are busy in singing, very loud pa.. Even though we are not that good like Sarah, Regine or Angeline,we are confident and not shy in singing or to show our TALENTS.That's how we are very proud of our Talents. be proud of what's God given because it is a blessing. :)
              We maybe think that our TALENTS are nothing but we didn't know that through the use of our talents our self-confidence is built and so with having the courage to show it. So be grateful, never allow that it will be fade remember everyone of us have it's own talent but not as unique as one has. :D

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